8 Superfood In Malaysia You Should Eat To Maintain Your Health

You are what you eat. That means that in order to maintain optimal health, we have to put the right food into our body. We have a general idea of what's healthy and what's not, and then there's a category of food known as "superfood". "Superfood" is a term "assumed to confer health benefits resulting from an exceptional nutrient density", though some experts may not use this term. But whether or not you believe in "superfood", they are healthy food for sure, and here's a few of them you should incorporate into your diet for good health!
Superfood In Malaysia For Good Health!
1) Turmeric
Turmeric is an ingredient commonly found in curry, the spice which gives curry its yellow colour. Besides providing colour, turmeric also has medicinal properties in the form of compounds called curcuminoids. Curcumin is the most important of them, and is the main active ingredient in turmeric. In fact, Ayurvedic medicine recommends turmeric for a range of conditions which include chronic pain and inflammation, seeing as curcumin has anti-inflammatory purposes.
2) Sweet Potato
Sweet potato has really gained popularity in recent times, making its way into dessert like bubble tea and shaved ice, to snacks like sweet potato chips and fries! But eating the root vegetable itself is plenty beneficial, since they are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibre. Not to mention they come in all sorts of sizes and colours, making them fun to eat, including orange, white and purple. A few things they help with is promoting gut health, improving insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients, maintaining good blood pressure levels, and may have cancer-fighting properties.
3) Wolfberry/Goji Berry
These red berries are found in many Chinese dishes, such as in soups or most commonly, herbal chicken dishes. In more recent times, they are also produced as supplements, or added to smoothies to give it an extra burst of colour and nutrition. A few of its benefits include anti-aging properties, promoting eye health, as well as strengthening the liver, kidneys, and lungs. Nowadays, many health stores house goji berries, and it's not just the traditional Chinese medicine halls anymore!
4) Avocado
Rich, creamy, and rather versatile, avocados have surged in popularity in recent times. You can find them in breakfast food, or as dessert in smoothies, cake and ice cream. Besides its velvety texture and mild taste that make it a popular food item, they are also a nutrient dense food, being an especially good source of monounsaturated fat and vitamin E. Monounsaturated fat is heart-healthy, helping to protect against heart disease and lowering blood pressure. Avocados are also a high-calorie food, and therefore can help regulate appetite as it helps keep you full for a longer time. One more thing: they're full of fibre as well!
5) Moringa Leaves
Apparently, moringa has many other names, including drumstick tree, miracle tree, and horseradish tree among others. Whatever you know it as, moringa leaves is known for its medicinal properties and health benefits, including antifungal, antiviral, antidepressant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Among its health benefits include protecting the liver, preventing and treating cancer, treating mood disorders, and keeping hair healthy. It is also rich in antioxdiants, which help fight against free radicals in the body, which are most commonly associated with chronic diseases.
6) Cauliflower
When you mention broccoli and cauliflower, usually people would say they prefer broccoli rather than cauliflower--are you one of them? But don't write cauliflower off, for this white vegetable also has a host of health benefits to keep you healthy! Perhaps you might have even heard or tried cauliflower rice? Here's what's so great about cauliflower! First off, it is high in fibre, which helps maintain your gut health. Besides that, it is also rich in sulforaphane, which helps reduce the risk of cancer as well as the development of heart disease. It may also help maintain a healthy brain, thanks to its choline compound, which is essential for brain development.
7) Chia Seeds
By now, you might not be stranger to these small seeds, which could be white, brown or black in colour. Depending on how you like to consume them, they can be soaked and added into baked goods or beverages, or just sprinkled on of of (rice) bowls, salads, yogurt, and the like. They are a good source of fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality protein, minerals, and antioxidants. They are also low in calories but high in nutrients, perfect for those who are watching their weight. With the aforementioned compounds present in chia seeds, they may also help lower your risk of heart disease and reduce blood pressure.
8) Ginger
This root plant is commonly used in many Asian dishes, including confinement meals. Its main bioactive is gingerol, and responsible for most of its medicinal properties. Among the health benefits that ginger has include aid digestion, reducing nausea, as well as fighting colds and flus. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and may even help with weight loss. More recent research suggests that ginger may even help lower blood sugars, and reduce risk of heart disease as well. And for those who menstruate, good news--ginger may help reduce menstrual pain!