7 Malaysian Podcasts Of Various Topics To Listen To

The way we consume media and information is always changing, and different people like to consume in different ways as well. One can read texts, watch images or videos in a variety of formats, or listen to information without looking at screens. Listening was once confined to radio shows, but nowadays podcasts are on the rise, and there's even a listening-only social media x podcast app called Clubhouse which is all the rage now. Let's face it, listening to something allows you better freedom to engage in other activities, without needing to use your sense of sight. You can be listening while driving, cleaning the house (if you're not vacuuming, we assume), brushing your teeth... the possibilities are almost endless. If you're new to the world of podcasts and would like to try them out, we have 7 Malaysian podcasts spanning a variety of topics for you to check out!
Listen To These Malaysian Podcasts!
1) The Malaysian Podcast
We don't think it gets any more Malaysian than naming something a podcast something so simple yet efficient. It's simply The Malaysian Podcast, where four friends gather to talk about "current issues and things that are important to us". Not all four of them make every episode, though their everyday topics are quite widely ranged: from the COVID-19 outbreak, floods, music, Netflix, international happenings... it's just a conversation between friends in Malaysia. New episodes go up every Monday, and their podcasts average at one and a half hours.
Image Credit: soundcloud.com
Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
2) Mamak Sessions
Better known as a YouTuber, Jinnyboy hosts the Mamak Sessions podcast as well, where the podcast consists of "average Joes chilling out at a mamak talking about what's up!" Mamak Sessions frequently sees guests and different co-hosts alongside Jinnyboy, and guests who have been on Mamak Sessions include standup comedian and YouTuber Nigel Ng, politician Hannah Yeoh, and fitness influencer Jordan Yeoh among others. On the show, guests share their experience, usually on their area of expertise, or otherwise, they talk about current happenings. Podcasts average at an hour each.
Image Credit: jinnyboy.podbean.com
Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
3) Two Book Nerds Talking
Two Book Nerds Talking, as you can probably guess from its name, is a podcast that talks about books, specifically. The reader community in Malaysia is growing by the day, and the ladies behind TBNT Diana Yeong and Honey Ahmad talk about all things reading, further bringing the community closer. Occasionally, they also have guests on their podcasts, and they include Malaysian authors Hanna Alkaf and Zen Cho. They talk about specific popular books, book themes and tropes, upcoming reads, and share their reading insights. Podcasts range from 30 minutes to an hour on average.
Image Credit: spreaker.com
Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
4) BFM
Focused on business news and current affairs, BFM is Malaysia's only independent radio station, and basically, it's like an all-day podcast, with programmes and talks on different topics with different people going on throughout the day. In fact, there could be up to about 20 different podcasts in a day, so if you're really into it, you could actually just tune in live and listen to it all day long. Otherwise, you can choose to listen to past/recorded podcasts on various sites. It's actually a pretty convenient way to stay up to date with current affairs! Podcasts are of varying durations.
Image Credit: bfm.my
Listen on their website, Spotify, or Apple Podcasts (The Breakfast Grille).
5) Table Talk
The minds behind the YouTube channel The Ming Thing team up to bring you this podcast, where they talk about everything that goes on in life, ranging from social media, business, music, current happenings... very often their episodes can be a reaction and response to a certain happening, and other times they have a specific topic where they invite other guests to talk about it together. So far, they've talked about the MCO/SOPs, gaming, personality tests, Malaysian childhoods, marriage, emotions, and adulting among others. Podcasts are just under an hour on average.
Image Credit: himalaya.com
Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
6) The Tabao Podcast
The Tabao Podcast celebrates Malaysian entrepreneurs, and each episode so far has been about the host Jaida Ow speaking to a different guest. Guests consist of CEOs, founders, and startup entrepreneurs mostly, and they share their own stories in building their companies, challenges they face, or perhaps a response to current happenings. Guests The Tabao Podcast has seen include Low Ngai Yuen (Malaysian film director, producer, actress, TV host), Chanwon Tan (Malaysian travel and beauty blogger), Ezzaty Hasbullah (co-founder of Parti Muda), and Pierre Pang (third-generation owner of Mamee Double-Decker). Podcasts range from about 30 minutes to just under an hour.
Image Credit: podcasts.apple.com
Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
7) Malam Seram
Are you a fan of horror stories? Then Malam Seram is the podcast for you! KC, who has been producing and presenting the number 1 horror radio show, now continues with the Malam Seram podcast, where he shares horror stories and encounters from around the world. Besides being a talk show, Malam Seram is also a YouTube channel, where you can also watch KC broadcast live, and interact with other avid horror fans there. If horror stories from around the world pique your interest, Malam Seram might just be your fix. Podcasts range from one to two hours on average.
Image Credit: podtail.com
Listen on Spotify, YouTube, or Apple Podcasts.