WLoon Photography
WLoon Photography specialises in both local and international wedding photography services. For the former, he and his team covers traditional as well as modern and themed wedding shoots. Wooi Loon -- the founder and chief photographer himself -- is not only adept in his photography skills but also knows how to see things differently from his unique perspective.
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Kuan Swee Hong
July 12, 2020
Having WooiLoon as my prewedding photographer really made a difference! From the early start till the end, he planned the itinerary seamlessly to ensure that there were appropriate natural light for better effect. His creativity & knack for capturing angles were also on full display as he was able to direct our poses and position himself to capture our best angles. The photos were beautiful. This compliment definitely come from many of our guests at our wedding reception.
Tut Tut
July 04, 2020
Jess Bee
July 03, 2020
绝对推荐WooiLoon! 对于婚纱照,我一直想要很自然的婚纱照,为了找我心仪的摄影师,我在网上做了很多功课,最终让我找到了WooiLoon. 我们的婚纱照是在2014年巴黎拍的,拍摄过程很自然很开心,让我们很自在的面对镜头拍摄,完全不觉得尴尬,拍摄过程我还感动到偷偷哭了😂 成品出来后真的很让我感动,很专业, 每一张照片,每一个画面,每一份记忆,都让我非常非常感谢WooiLoon,非常感谢你让我们存有那么美好的回忆!
Natasha Tan
July 03, 2020
Very happy with his skills and professionalism... Took our pre- wedding pic in Hokkaido.... Most recommended photographer for overseas photography....♥️.... Loved our pre-wedd pic....
Tan Mei Chian
July 03, 2020
摄影师真的很棒👍 谢谢让我们拥有难忘的济州岛婚纱拍摄❤️
Jason Tan CH
July 03, 2020
Professional & responsible Photographer. Always great can work together with WLoon Photography team.
Vivianne Cky
July 03, 2020
2015年意外在网络上留意到这位摄影师的作品,在毫无疑惑下就下订了他。每个人都很意外为什么我那么有信心和信任在没有见过对方之下就下订了,除了作品很棒之外应该就是缘分了。 果然不负众望,在韩国拍摄的婚纱照很美很好看,化妆师也加分了很多,令我们在韩国留下很棒的回忆也因此这样而让我们变成了好朋友😊 选择他你不会后悔哦👍☺️
Carmen Lee
July 02, 2020
我的婚纱是在英国拍,我们AD用了同一样的摄影师,也会在以后的家庭照用回一样的人,因为服务和效果太赞了! 很多人认为在国外摄影肯定很贵,只是我的配套价钱是包括摄影师和化妆师的机票,住宿和all soft copy return,婚纱,所以比起在本地拍婚纱的朋友,我的价钱还比他们便宜些,结婚当天的照片更不用说,拿了照片,简直无悔! 摄影师Tan WooiLoon WLoon Photography - International Wedding Photographer. -看了他的网站的,应该知道他是大马Top 10 的Destination Photographer. 只是他的收费其实比其他家合理。 -为人很随和,凡事有商量,没隐藏收费,只是总会把作品做到最好。 -做事很专业,拍婚纱时英国是4点天亮,他陪我们3点起床,为了就是拍摄我们化妆的点点滴滴,就算拍得很迟也不会敷衍了事。 -将心比心,他绝对站在新人的角度拍我们喜欢的照片。其实我有两个婚纱摄影师,一个拍的蛮美,只是偶尔会看到裙角掀起,而Wooi Loon 永远是最细心的那位,无论是背景,人物,角度,灯光都确保是最完美的。这不影响他拍照的速度,或许是因为熟练的关系,他总能在人群里把新人,家人和所有人拍得很漂亮。 -从不斤斤计较,有谁的摄影师因为要专心做same day edit, 吃了早餐后到自己的婚礼结束后才吃宵夜吗?我事后才知道我准备的晚餐没人记得送到房间给摄影师,而他为了我们的SDE没吃晚餐,到了晚上大概11点才放工吃晚餐。 这些他都没告诉我,而是我的策划师发觉的。新人辛苦,他更辛苦。 -不要说我对摄影师的要求很高,很多时候花了好多钱去设计一切,摄影师却把照片全毁,而Wooiloon 用了4个小时做的Same Day Edit 显示了不是开完笑的摄影技术。 -超厉害搞气氛。比起videographer, Wooiloon 超厉害搞气氛,我们在英国的婚纱摄影很难忘因为wooiloon 制造了很多回忆。对他来说,我们能不时翻开相簿,想着那些笑到不停的回忆,就是他最大的回报。婚礼当天,所有照片所有人都是笑得很漂亮的,他不一定会说笑话,只是绝对会让大家都笑起来。 -他不断静修自己的摄影技术,拍出来的照片不浮夸,很自然,而他的逆光照绝对是有些大师级的师傅也拍不出。我有另一位的摄影师朋友看了我的照片自己想抄袭,绝对拍不出! -很会聆听和琢磨新人的要求。100%满意的程度。 We have our pre-wedding and actual day photography done by Wooiloon. After the trip to UK, we discovered that Wooiloon is a very passionate photographer. His skills are fabulous, but what makes him so different from other photographer is his passion. He is so talented to create a joyful, relaxed ambiance filled with laughters and he always said, "It is the journey that matter most, he sincerely hopes that the photos will remind the couples about the good memory they have during the pre-wedding photoshoot." This passion really makes the difference! I used to have a few portrait album shot before, but so far my pre-wedding album is the most meaningful one. Instead of keeping it in our cabinet, both me and my husband loves it so much that we have to flip it at least once a month! On the actual day itself, Wooiloon is the one that creates the laughters to both of us as well as our family & friends. All of our pictures are so memorable as they are filled with all the laughing faces! My family and friends love the Same Day Edit and pictures so much as it was so "cleaned"! Wooiloon always manage to focus so well on the couples, or the guests without too much background disturbance. Wooiloon is super meticulous too, he always make sure all our dresses and coats are tidied before he takes a pictures of us. None of them has any imperfections! He uses lots of different skills in the Same Day Edit that it looks like a movie altogether! The whole journey with Wooiloon is perfect. We just have to communicate with him what we want and he will delivers a very professional services and photos by giving us the best smiley faces, photos and memories.
Sophia Soh
July 01, 2020
We did our pre wedding shoot with wooiloon in Istanbul/cappadocia and we absolutely love and enjoy it! Initially we were afraid it will be very awkward but throughout the shoot, wooiloon ensure we had fun! Totally recommend wooiloon for any photography projects!
Ben Leow
July 01, 2020
Wooi loon is not only a very good photographer but he is such a fun and chill person to hang out with! We did our pre wedding shoot in capadoccia last year and we are so Glad we picked him as the photos turned out stunning!
Shiauthing Lee
July 01, 2020
We did our pre-wedding and actual day photoshoot with WLoon and we enjoyed every bits of the photoshooting. The experiences were fun and natural so the results are just amazing. I can still feel the joy when i look at those photos.
Joanna Leong
July 01, 2020
Wooi Loon is a very approachable and great photographer. He also has very great work ethics, very punctual and not calculative. He also made both me and my then-fiancé very comfortable in front of the camera, even though we both are not photogenic and spontaneous . I would highly recommend him to take your photos.
Rex Choo
July 01, 2020
At first we were really nervous and worry about the photo shootings, because both of us are very bad at this, and worry this will be a torture session.. but Loon successfully guide us how to work it out in very short period, and turn out we enjoy the day very much, definitely 1 of the most memorable day in our life. Loon is friendly, experienced, patient, and can see he have a lot passion in photography, most importantly he manage to capture the best moments of us. Thank you Loon!
Lim Yan Hwea
June 30, 2020
Friendly, creative and humorous photographer that capture the best smile of couples during the photo shoot! Definitely an awesome experience to have him as our pre-wedding photographer!
June 30, 2020
Definitely the best experience ever! I’m always shy in front of the camera and glad that Wloon is superb funny and Very good at posing, managed to take tons of awesome shots for our prewedding photo. The highlight of the whole prewedding shot was taking at the scramble crossing in Shibuya which made the two of us felt like the main actors in the movie! 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Crystal Loh
June 30, 2020
Wloon is a very professional photographer, his skills is always the best 👍👍👍
Deanne Mak
June 30, 2020
The photographer is friendly and creative. I missed the outdoor prewedding photo shooting with wloon. He and his team made our prewedding shooting relax and fun.
Cherie Yu
September 05, 2020
I’m so Glad that I’ve chosen wooi loon to be my PWS photographer in Japan. He made the shoot so fun and less stressful! Both my fiancé and I truly enjoy the special moment and you won’t be disappointed if you engage him! From 🇸🇬